Last few days have been hectic...
The things I've said and the things I've heard,
I'd describe it all along the lines of...
Wake up!
Get ready, your exam starts any minute now!
Revise Revise Revise!!
Get to College!
Revise Revise Revise Some more!
Whaddya mean Alkynes is part of the Chemistry portion!??
The Chem exam is in another 3.5 minutes!
What's the point of even studying now??
Let's just count down the minutes...
Oh Hell, what's that German guy's rule again?
It's got a lotta 'f's in it, thats all I remember...
Oh crap, there goes the bell,
Best Of luck!
*one hour later*
Awesome paper!!
You didn't think so?
No, I didn't get that one...
Not so awesome anymore...still pretty good...
Don't tell me, I don't wanna hear more of your answers...
We still have Math to study for!! D'oh!!
Whats the whole Permutation-Combination Shindig again?
And then get back home...
How was the Paper?
Good? not Great? you always say Good and then it goes Ok...and what about math?
Math was Ok? that means it went bad!...
Arrgh! -_-*
Don't you have class tonight?
Do a crapload of homework!
Get to class early to finish up!
Prof. ends up 15 minutes late...
So class ends half an hour late...
go Home
Eat, Sleep
Lather, Rinse, repeat...
Feel tired at a whole new level...not the 'I gotta sit down and catch my breath' kinda tired...more like the ;Oh crap, I'm standing and sleeping and there's drool collecting in my mouth and nothing collecting in my brain and it feels like my mind is a racecar doing 90 mph with it's tyres removed or like I'm powered by a half dead Triple-A pencil battery that's three years past it's expiry date...
And you people whine about no updates...