Thursday, December 20, 2007


As many of you may already know, I haven't gone to college for the last 5 days...reason?
It's 'Cultural event' time!! which means we have Utkarsh and KJ Somaiya's Surabhi as well as minor 'Cultural Programmes' from the 14th to the 22nd, after which Holidays begin...

All this means to me, is an extended vacation where I sadly end up utilizing my time 'fruitfully' instead of sitting on the computer...

Though I ended up going to college thinking there might be Physics practicals today, and I ended up seeing This

Thats the front 'desk' for registrations in 'Elevaura'
(reminds me of 'Elvira'(-you don't know who that is? well ask wiki, why don't cha?))

I have no idea what that means and I barely care to find out...though why a College fest ends up looking like a nomadic gypsy tribe settlement?? The answer lies in the mysterious theme of the whole program...

In Case you can't read it, the words are

'The greatest treasures are those Invisible to us, but can be found...'

Oh hot dang! How movingly Profound for a split second unless you stop and realize that this phrase printed on expensive high gloss posters and put up across the city is absolute nonsense...

The black thing is the silhouette of a scarecrow, in keeping with the theme

"Villiages-Our Country's National Treasure'

We also have 2 mascots...I neglected to photograph them, but I will as soon as I go there the next time...

One is a Scarecrow...which looks either funny or disturbing, (depends on your point of view)...Because its a T-shirt stuffed with straw with an upside down pot for a head... which is propped up on a stick, in the middle of the Campus looking like a tribal human sacrifice...

The other is a Anthropomorphic GOAT...
Why a Goat? No Idea...
But this goat wears black T-shirts and ripped jeans and sports an electric guitar as well as an expression of a 'drunken boozer'(thanks Shady, thats a useful phrase)

Which is a TOTAL Antithesis to the average Somaiyaite who would be socially ostracized if they even considered a mildly alternative look like an earring (worn by a guy), or a 'boy-cut' (sported by a girl)...

Oh well, crap happens...And we unwilling Somaiyaites call it Ut-Crash...

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