Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sommebody gonna get-a-Fucked, Reeeal Bad...

I'm not going to state the obvious here. You know what I'm talking about. A bunch of brainwashed psychos in their quest for heavenly poontang went off and tried to take over the Taj and the Oberoi hotels. Everybody knows that. What else you obviously know, is that this post is a reasonably mindless rant made by a mentally unbalanced teenager, and you probably aren't expecting something too intelligent.

I'm not going to (for once) criticize the Law enforcement agencies for their action/inaction or whatever. It's just not my place.
If I was given the task to lay siege to the hotels, my strategy would involve crowds of people chanting 'Cocksucker, Motherfucker' through loudspeakers, repeatedly and with increasing intensity, to mess up the Terrorists enough for them to do something stupid...and then the Commandos could move in.

This obviously proves that I'm no strategist, who can comment on the techniques of the police. I have a new-found respect for the Navy Commandos too.

I'm pissed off at the news channels too. Between Barkha Dutt and Rajdeep Sardesai, the victims, authorities and bystanders have been harrased with every tactless and/or mildly retarded question possible. Which, on the internet, may be called 'some fuckin annoying flamebait'. But hell, it's not exactly unexpected, is it? They just want some eyeballs on 'em...

I'm friggin fuck nuts annoyed at the stance of Politicians, either using this situation as a weapon (Modi, I'm lookin at you), or 'Strongly Condemning' the attacks, because they can't do any other goddamn thing about it. I don't think there are ay phrases more annoying to me than 'Strongly Condemn'. Fix the problem, and then excercise your mouth.

What I will state, and have been stating, though, is exclusively, my own opinion.

Somebody gonna get-a-Fucked...Reeeaal Bad.

Even the most placid, flatfooted, grass chomping stromboni, when pushed far enough, has it's survival insticts kick in. And we've been pushed pretty goddamn far. And if another of these situations go by with a pat on the head from a politician, and a one fingered salute to the 'Mumbai Spirit', people are just gonna go set fire to stuff, go crazy, crate Anarchy.

What the fuck is with that whole 'Mumbai Spirit' thing anyway? They say we bounce back after ecery calamity. Does that mean we should get thrown around even harder? Who asked you to measure our modulus of motherfucking elasticity?????

You know how I said there wasn't a more annoying phrase than 'Stongly Condemn'? Well I just found it.

If those terrorists get caught, by ordinary individuals instead of the police, They're gonna feel that Mumbai Spirit. A city of stressed out workers in a rat race with no means of a release, who get battered on a monthly basis by some tragedy or the other but pick themselves up and go to work, not because thy're brave or bold, but because they have to earn some money to live another day in this hole, and while they're at it, earn some more money to pay taxes which go towards ensuring that the roads, and sidewalks, and parks and buses and trains are NOT fixed or improved, while we suffocate in the poisonous air. They're gonna get some Mumbai Spirit, all right...right in the ass...

And to the Negligent Government of the State and Centre - We've grown up on pothole-filled roads to drive on, poison to breathe, Traffic, Floods, Bombs, Bullets, Gang Wars, Bent Cops, everything down to fucking Lightning strikes. That doesn't mean we want things to stay this way, you bitches...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The End of an Era/Error

I booted up my PC and fired up Opera to check up on the Animax-sa Forums. It's something that I do from time to time, not with the alarming frequency that I used to visit, back when my boards had just ended. I check a few sections that I visit often, and I see an announcement from the friendly neighbourhood mod.

The Forum is being shut down and a new one is being set up in its place. Which means, all threads will be lost, all post counts will be reset. Which kinda shook me up.

Most people who visit this blog reasonably often, are people who will probably understand why it bothers me. It shouldn't, if viewed objectively...Internet Forums are usually cited as the one piece of irrefuteable proof that the Internet is making people stupid. The average Messageboard is a writhing mass of Trolls, Spambots, lolcats and a quest for the 'lulz'.

(if any of you didn't get that, congratulations on your normalcy, now go look it up on Urban Dictionary...)

Add to that the fact that I have my exams coming up, well...most would say there are more important things to worry about.

But strangely enough, when I joined back in 2006, the Forum was lightyears above average, in terms of intellectualism. It was a platform for anime fans such as myself to share opinions and views, and considering there was NOBODY else I knew (living nearby) who watched anime or read manga, it was a blessing.

Sure it's infuriatingly slow, and it's tailor made to sun on IE 5. Which kinda gives you an idea of how outdated the firmware was. But we didn't mind. It's not everyday when you find a place with 1000+ like minded members... (unless you're really into visiting porn which case, it IS everyday...)

Dylan, Shady, Wolf, Ace, HK, Kysh, Leon, Sin, Blackcat, Ithil, Vazha, Kyo...even Aubin...and DS...and so many other people...if it wasn't for the forum I wouldn't know them, probably...In fact, I probably wouldn't be able to write this blog...I wouldn't be active online that much either...

So it is with great nostalgia that I bid adieu to the old and ring in the new. At least I hope it's worth it.

Psst, Flug people, How about a reboot to the Out Of The Blue series? Hey, it worked for Batman...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sliver of Doubt.

Doubt, it's quite a thing. Sneaks up on you when you least expect it and hits you with all the subtlety of a frag grenade. Not being content with that, it flings those bits of flak at you, which find their way into your brain, and leave you paralysed...

I have temporarily pulled myself up out of the cesspool of depression that my daily routine has become, to take five minutes doing what I do best. Whining and Bitching like no one else can.

It wouldn't be so bad if I was sure I'll never get into IIT. That's fine, I can live with that. It would be friggin sweet if I knew for sure that I'd get a rank, but that's really not the case either. It's this whole 'in between' thing that makes it hard. If I don't try, it's sad cause I'm passing up the chance that I might get in. But if you try and end up getting screwed,'s two years wasted and a lifetime's worth of depression for nothing...

I'm not even sure getting in is worth it, now. Sometimes I feel like I just might make it to a seat in IIT-B, other times I feel like my optimism is delusional. Somewhere in the middle, I end up hoping I get into the new IIT-G, which is being mentored by Mumbai, so I'll end up studying in the IIT B campus even if I'm ranked low...

But for it to be worth all this, all the work, all the crippling depression that students endure, IIT has  to be pretty fucking mindblowing. The professors better be some sort of psychics, chanelling the spirits of Einstein or freaking Newton, for this to be worth it. The campus ought to be a damn beach resort, for this to be worth it. Upon graduation, we ought to be declared supreme rulers of the free freakin world. Throw in 42 virgins in heaven and some M&M's, and all of that might just make it all worth it...

I end with a (doctored) line from South Park, which I think summarizes the whole dilemma nicely.

'Trying for IIT is like a man dying of thirst, getting cow urine poured down his throat. He thinks, "Well, I AM thirsty, but this is fucking Cow Piss..."


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